
Is it Time to Repaint the Exterior of My Home? - Cal-Res Coatings - Residential Painters - Featured Image

Eventually, your home’s exterior will need a fresh coat of paint to provide protection and keep it looking vibrant and inviting. Though there are general guidelines regarding how often to paint your home, the best time to paint will depend upon the quality of the paint used, the materials your home is constructed from, the prevailing weather conditions and your personal preferences. The following are some signs that it’s time to repaint your home’s exterior.

  • Cracking, peeling, or chipping paint indicates that the elements have taken a toll and the underlying materials of your home are no longer protected. This could lead to mould, mildew or dry rot. Take action immediately! 
  • Cracking caulk indicates that the substance is no longer doing its job. Caulk is used to seal joints and makes a paint job look better and last longer. If your caulk is wearing, it’s time to paint and refresh your caulk. 
  • Fading paint: After years of exposure to rain, snow and sunlight, your exterior paint will fade. This bleached washed outlook is a sign that your paint is no longer providing full protection for your home. 
  • Gaps between the boards of your home are evidence that moisture is getting into the wood. This can lead to mould, mildew and/or dry rot. Repairs followed by a fresh coat of paint will protect the wood and prevent further damage. 
  • Damaged stucco indicates a need for repairs and fresh paint to ensure your home is properly protected from the elements. 
  • Water stains may be signs of deeper damage. Some stains may simply be painted over, but others indicate the need to replace the material and apply paint for protection.
  • New construction: Contractors will often use pre-primed wood and apply a single coat of paint. If this is the case for your home, consider painting within five years of the initial paint application. This will ensure solid protection before damage can occur. 
  • Your house colour is outdated: Paint trends come and go. Sometimes the need to paint your home is purely one of personal aesthetics. You may be ready for something new!
  • If you plan to sell your house, a fresh coat of exterior paint will increase the curb appeal and the value of your home. Paint can make your home look more appealing and more expensive! A new paint job can add $5,000 to the price of your home!

Watch closely for the signs that your home needs a fresh coat of exterior paint. If you’re not sure if it’s time to repaint, contact a local painting contractor. They’ll assess the need for new paint and can supply quality products and expert skills to help you with the painting project. Adding a new coat of paint will rejuvenate the look of your home and provide protection from the elements.

Is it time to repaint your exterior walls? Looking for a company that will provide a quality paint job for your home’s exterior? Call the Calgary residential painting experts, Cal Res Coatings at (403) 835-4817. We’re a residential painting contractor that strives for quality, has an eye for detail and colour, and will not rest until your job is done to your satisfaction. Request a free quote today.

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