
That dark and once trendy paint colour on your walls no longer suits you. You bought the perfect house but the walls are covered in deep greens and rich blues that you hate. Your child moves out leaving you with a room covered in grim black. Don’t despair! It’s possible to paint a light colour over dark walls, but there are a few things you should know. 

Choose good equipment: Quality brushes and rollers play a big part in how a paint job turns out. You’ll need the best equipment for your specific project. 

Prepare the walls

  • Fill holes with spackle, then sand smooth. 
  • Scrape off chipped or peeling paint and sand these spots. 
  • Wipe walls with a microfiber cloth to remove dust. 
  • Use a mild detergent and damp cloth on stains and smudges. 
  • Allow the walls to dry before painting. 

Buy the right primer:  You’ll need a primer with high amounts of binders and pigment as these ingredients help block the dark colour beneath. A white primer will produce a better result than a gray or dark primer. Consider an all-in-one primer and sealer. Depending upon how dark the walls are, you may need two coats of primer to ensure the dark colour beneath does not bleed through. Try adding some of your new paint colour to the first coat of primer to help to set the right tone from the start. Let the primer dry completely before you start painting.

Do a test patch: Purchase a small amount of your chosen colour for a sample patch. This is an inexpensive way to discover how hard or easy the area will be to paint. 

Apply a quality paint: High-quality paint contains large amounts of binders and pigments that do a better job of covering a dark wall. Aim for brands with solid reputations. When you’re painting, roll in big “M” or “W” shapes rather than just up and down. This approach reduces roller lines and gives the paint a few seconds to dry rather than immediately covering it. Not sure how many coats you need? Keep applying layers till you’ve covered the dark colour beneath. To be sure, hold a light up to the wall. If you’re able to see some of the dark paint, you need another coat.

A final tip: Colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel are called contrasting colours. These are the best choices to cover up each other. For example, red covers blue while purple knocks out green. 

Putting light paint over a dark wall is possible with the right products and the right steps. If you want stunning results, hire a local residential paint contractor. They have the experience, knowledge, equipment and skills to make sure your project will meet or exceed your expectations. They can even help you with colour choices!

Not sure how to paint over that dark wall? Don’t have the right paint and equipment for your project? You need a professional painting company. Call the Calgary residential painting experts, Cal Res Coatings at (403) 835-4817. We have experience with exterior and interior painting. We’re a residential painting contractor that strives for quality, has an eye for detail and colour, and will not rest until your job is done to your satisfaction. Request a free quote today.